This is Holy Week, culminating on Easter – the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. While I have a list of wonderful People Living Well to share about in this blogsite, I’ve not been sure about who would best fit an Easter focus. Since it's not easy selection, I’ve spent some time noodling it around in my head.
A bit surprisingly, a turn of the noodle started me thinking about my sweet four-year-old great niece Quinn. I was delighted to spend time with her last week as we celebrated a family wedding. Quinn completely lives out and shares the joy of a child. We know that Jesus treasured children for the joy, innocence and ability to believe that is part of their nature. And it can be so easy for adults to lose that simple, childlike vulnerability and acceptance of God.
“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”
- Matthew 18:3-5
How appropriate to consider a child and childlike faith when thinking about Easter.
So, thinking about Quinn makes me think about the stuffed, pink-clothed white bunny her Pap had given her. An Easter bunny like lots of kids have. This bunny has undergone various name changes and is now called Lullaby Flowers. Quinn takes the bunny with her most places and gets rather upset when it’s temporarily misplaced, especially if its bedtime. Generous little girl that she is, she’s even been known to share the bunny with her one-year-old brother Collin. Quinn adores Lullaby Flowers.
When she showed me Lullaby Flowers, Quinn told me to squeeze its tummy and – shhhh! – listen. I wondered if it would say, “Happy Easter!” like a bunny I remember from years ago. Or maybe it would sing, “Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail, hippity, hoppity, Easter’s on its way!”
I pressed the bunny’s tummy. And to my surprise, Lullaby Flowers sang about the Easter story.
For real.
It may not seem that way at first, but Lullaby Flowers really sang about the Easter story.
“Jesus loves me . . .”
This is a basic premise of who Jesus is, as God’s son. God is love. Whoever knows the Father knows the Son. Jesus is love and He loves.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” – John 3:16-17
Yes, this is an important part of the Easter story. Jesus was created out of love so that He could save us. In a world where there is war, disease, poverty and so much that is wrong, there is also so much right … Jesus loves me.
“… this I know”
There’s no doubt in this little song. There is no question or insecurity. There’s a certainty for sure.
These three little words are a confession that’s spoken … This I know. To know that Jesus loves us, we must also understand that this love is undeserved. For that certainty to be true, we must realize that He loves us first, without any worth or value on our part.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” – 1 John 1:8
“ … for the Bible tells me so.”
This is another little phrase that packs a big punch.
It’s a complete acceptance of the Holy Christian Bible and of all it contains.
That means that if the Bible says it’s true, it is true. It recognizes the Bible as the authority above all authorities.
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
“Little ones to him belong …”
Again, one must have the faith and trust of a child in order to belong to God.
Quinn, little owner of Lullaby Flowers, knows that she can’t depend on herself for most things. Her parents pay the bills for her, bring home the food, and then cook and serve it. They provide clothing and a roof over her head. She doesn’t even consider that she’s responsible to provide for anything. She simply has faith in her parents to provide what's needed to survive.
She may also understand that her parents don't provide for her because she's perfect. She knows that she makes mistakes. Her parents are helping her to learn right from wrong, and to take responsibility when she makes that inevitable misstep.
Similarly, we are to maintain our trust in Jesus as our savior, with the same simple yet strong faith that Quinn has in her parents. We still do our best, but know that our human nature is not perfect and our deeds will not get us to heaven. God saves us because of our faith Him.
“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.” – Galatians 3:26
“ … We are weak”
It is be easy for children to acknowledge that they are weak. Most people are bigger than they are. Most people are stronger than they are. They generally accept that's the reality of their world. They’re weak.
But when it comes to adults, pride too often enters the picture.
We are embarrassed when we get things wrong. We want to be right. We want to be perfect. We don’t want to admit our failures. So we go along in the world, pretending that we are in control.
And of course, the reality is, we are not in control.
One sin, no matter how small or great, is enough to separate us from a perfect, Holy God. And none of us are able to live a life (or a day!) without sin.
“There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. All have turned aways, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.” – Romans 33:10-13
Yep, the song is right … We are weak.
“… But He is strong.”
So, little bunny, what do we do with our weakness and our sin?
We rely on Jesus, who loves us, because He is strong. He has no sin.
And he died for our sins on a cross, marked on Good Friday this Holy Week. He is strong, never sinned, lived a perfect life. That's why He can pay the price for our sin.
“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.” – Romans 5:6
But that wasn't the end. On the third day following His death, He rose to an everlasting life. He was victorious over death. And made it possible for us to be victorious, too.
“Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me!”
That’s the Easter story. And it’s being told through this simple song, “Jesus Loves Me.”
Originally published in 1864, the song, “Jesus Loves Me” was written by Anna Bartlett Warner. It became one of the most beloved Christian hymns – and a special song for children through the years. Until now, I never thought about it being an Easter song. But it is.
To Quinn and So Many Precious People in the World – Yes, Jesus Loves You!
The world can be a tough place, for children and for adults. In the midst of any trouble, pain or sadness, the most comforting thought can be that Jesus loves us in a personal, intimate way. You can sing and know, Jesus loves me.
It's a song for every day, just as it's a song for Easter morning. Christ is risen through the glory of the Father. so that we, too, may have new life.
Thank you, little Quinn, for sharing Lullaby Flowers, who sings a simple song that means so much. Jesus loves me.
And to the People Living Well community, may you realize Christ’s blessings anew this Easter.